Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cure Yeast Infection Naturally

The fungus named as Candida albicans is the actual cause of the yeast infection. It is normally available inside our body and also lives in the areas as genitourinary tract, intestines, mouth and throat. If it is present in balanced way, it is not a problem, but when it gets disturbed it results in yeast infections. Even after taking proper medications you are suffering from yeast infections time and again then you must opt for natural remedies for curing yeast infections.
The most vernacular form of yeast infection is the vaginal yeast infections in females. Even elder people, babies and males also suffer from yeast infections. In order to cure the problem in pure natural form and with safe elements you juts have home remedies for it. Of course you need to talk to your doctor first so that you can understand the severity of your infection.
The yeast infection results in annoyance, irritation and pain. The signs of yeast infections include itching sensation, extreme burning effect, and cheesy white vaginal discharge. Following are some good and safe natural remedies for curing yeast infections:
 The very first thing to opt for is to avoid using sugar and sugar products as well as simple carbohydrates because they help in the growth of the fungus cuasing yeast infection that is candida albicans. Even prevent the usage of yeast products suxch as fermented foods like vinegar and cheese and other products like beer.
 Another method is to use plain and unsweetened yoghurt. You can eat one cup daily at the least or spread it on to the infected area for about half an hour and then wash it off. Repeat this for about 2-3 times a day. Yogurt contains Lactobacillus acidophilus which aids in checking the proper balance of the fungus called candida and also kills the yeast.

curing yeast infections

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